Since its recent establishment in the Bissett neighborhood, The Gathering Tree’s Eden Village 2 has been developing a growing relationship with BNA. EV2 was awarded a NOVA last December from BNA in recognition of its establishment and importantly, for its part in replacing the old derelict and largely abandoned trailer park at the west end of Brower Street.

Cherie Cronie, EV2 manager, received the award at BNA’s January meeting, where she also provided an excellent update on EV2 goings-on. As of this writing, the facility is at or near capacity, with many formerly unsheltered folks now resident and beginning new and better chapters in their lives.
EV2 is also supporting BNA by performing cleanups on Nichols Street, and has graciously opened its Nancy Good Community Center for meetings and other events. In February, BNA held a pot luck dinner and meeting at the facility, where members received a status report on crime in the neighborhood and safety tips from our new PAR Officer Brad Loveland. I provided an update on the work of NAC’s Nuisance Property Work Group.
Largely to support the EV2 residents, BNA proposed and was successful in obtaining a grant through the Neighborhood Works Program to replace sidewalks along Hillcrest, widen the Hillcrest/Nichols intersection and improve the bus stop near the intersection.

The work is anticipated to be completed this year. Recently, BNA arranged for potted plants to be donated to EV2 residents and will continue to seek opportunities for support. In addition, BNA and EV2 plan to work together for the upcoming Bissett Neighborhood Cleanup scheduled for June 7.
EV2 is certainly shaping up to be an excellent addition to our neighborhood.