Brentwood Neighborhood becomes Springfield’s 19th registered neighborhood


The City of Springfield welcomes Brentwood Neighborhood Association as its 19th registered neighborhood.

This designation means that a neighborhood association has provided the City with proof that the organization is active; and, that it has made efforts to involve residents and property owners from throughout the neighborhood in activities.

Registered neighborhoods receive the following from the City’s Planning & Neighborhoods Office:

    • Mailing labels with a master copy of all local addresses (and property owners addresses) that fall within the boundaries of the neighborhood.
    • Service request data: a report is issued monthly and contains all citizens’ code complaints targeting areas within the neighborhood boundaries.
    • Area zoning notices: registered neighborhoods are notified of any zoning requests and updates within the area. This information is provided by the Development Review Office of the City’s Planning Department.
    • Neighborhood programs information: notices of neighborhood programs that the City or participating organizations offer.

Neighborhoods Office staff can provide residents with many resources to make neighborhood associations successful. Is your neighborhood interested in registering with the City? Contact Senior Planner Alana Owen with any questions at 417-864-1831 or [email protected].

Brentwood’s boundaries are Sunshine to the north, Battlefield to the south, Glenstone to the west and Lone Pine to the east.

Brentwood Neighborhood Association’s officers are:

Erin Gray, President: email or 417-459-9020
Cindy Cook, Vice President: email or 417-425-7262
Elizabeth Seaton, Secretary: email or 417-268-7738
Andrea Tunia, Treasurer: email or 417-849-9145


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