City dedicates Battlefield and Fremont improvement project with virtual ribbon cutting


In celebration of the completion of the Battlefield and Fremont Intersection and Roadway Widening project, the City and project partners released a virtual ribbon cutting video officially dedicating the project.

Completed on schedule in early November, the voter-approved project involved the widening of Fremont Avenue to five lanes between Battlefield Road and Sunset Street. Improvements were also made at the Battlefield Road and Fremont Avenue intersection, with traffic signal upgrades and additional turn lanes.

“The goal of the project was to reduce traffic congestion in one of our busiest shopping areas,” explains Public Works project manager Jonathan Peitz. “It’s too early for us to measure an improvement, but we are already seeing changes in traffic patterns in the area.”

Pedestrian improvements include new Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant sidewalks along the east side of Fremont Avenue and a multi-use path on the west side. In preparation for the roadway improvement in 2019, City Utilities installed new steel utility poles, relocated utility lines and installed new streetlights along Fremont Avenue.

In the video, the City recognizes project partner City Utilities, design consultant CJW and construction contractor Hartman and Co. for their instrumental roles in the project.

“Of course, we need to recognize and thank all the residents and businesses in that area, they went through a lot of inconvenience for several months, but I believe it will be well worth it,” said Springfield Mayor Ken McClure in the video. “I’m so pleased that these capital improvements were completed as we promised in time to help support a very bustling and profitable holiday shopping season.”

The final construction cost of the project was approximately $3.1 million, funded through the City’s 1/4-cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax.


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