Delaware neighbors enjoy each other’s company with social groups


The Delaware neighborhood has two small groups that meet each month – Tink and Frog Knitting Group and the Delaware Women’s Group. Both groups offer fun and social interaction, whether in person or virtually.

“The knitting group was originally formed with myself, Pamela Hund and Marianne Jones,” said Jeff Brossard-Sims. “I mentioned to Pam that I was starting to teach myself to knit. She has been an avid knitter and quilter since her childhood. We thought it would be fun to have a group that meets weekly at individual homes to help each other out and to socialize. The group has taken off and we have five people who regularly attend. We have stopped meeting in person at this time until COVID-19 cases diminish. However, we have a strong group that keeps in touch via text and posts in the Delaware Facebook group.”

If you are interested in knitting with the group, contact Hund at  417.300.3660 or [email protected].

The Delaware Women’s Group tries to meet each month at a different restaurant. Contact Nancy Williams at 417-496-2187 or see Delaware’s Facebook group event listing for details. Come join us for food, drink (if you want), and frivolity!


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