On the morning of Saturday, Feb. 17, the temperature was well below freezing. The wind was brisk and cutting. There were snow flurries in the air. The Woodland Heights Neighborhood Association’s volunteer crew had already made plans, though! And nothing keeps the Heights down.
Woodland Heights volunteers (and some very helpful friends from Missouri State University’s Habitat for Humanity chapter) donned winter layers and faced the cold at 8 a.m. for a Large Item Cleanup event that was offered for free to members of our community.

Our fearless neighborhood association president, Becky Volz, lead the way with a list of curbside pick-ups that had been requested. And neighbors from all corners of the neighborhood arrived with cars and trucks filled with large items that would otherwise have been cumbersome and/or expensive to dispose of themselves.
By 11:30 a.m. our near frozen volunteers had filled three dumpsters full of couches, mattresses, etc.
We are eternally grateful to our MSU volunteers for their help with all of those heavy items. It’s always nice to have young energetic people around when there’s a couch to be lifted.
Woodland Heights felt lighter the next day. And we think a cleaner neighborhood is a safer neighborhood.