Thanks to the City and the Neighborhood Works program for the additional lighting in Ray Kelly Park, and thanks to our president, Brian Miller, for preparing the application. Neighborhood Works is a City program available on a bi-annual basis for improvements in registered neighborhoods toward a variety of neighborhood projects. The additional lighting and other work done by the Springfield-Greene County Park Board has been a well-received improvement by our residents and guests visiting the Southside Senior Center.
Meador Park’s annual neighborhood cleanup (dumpster day) will be held April 6 at the park. This will be our first event working with our close by neighborhoods, Bradford Park and Seminole Holland. They will be joining us for a busy morning at the Meador Park Sports Fields. The opportunity to remove rubbish and bulky items is sponsored by the City of Springfield and coordinated by Community Partnership of the Ozarks. We will have arrangements for metal recycling. In case you need more information, email [email protected].
We are all very happy to have the cleanup event returning to a Saturday and need to thank the Community Partnership and CARDS for working through all the details to restart Saturday cleanups. The funding for this comes from the City and is one of the best things for neighborhood improvements.
Kickball will return to Meador Park Sports Fields on Sunday April 21, with a rain date of April 28. If you are interested in detailed information, please go to the public group SGFKickball or email [email protected]
MPNA residents east of National Avenue are eligible for Restore SGF grant funds to make improvements to your home. For additional information, please visit
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at an event or one of our meetings!