Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Questions and Answers
Question 1: Can I quit my job to collect unemployment and the $600 weekly FPUC payment?
Answer: Missouri’s regular unemployment insurance program continues to be in effect. Under Missouri unemployment law, most people who are currently employed and quit are not eligible for unemployment benefits. If an employer offers sick leave and/or other leave or remote work options to address COVID-19 in lieu of layoffs, then a person who quits on his/her own volition would not qualify for unemployment benefits. At this point, no federal legislation changes this part of Missouri’s program eligibility for unemployment. Quitting without good cause to obtain additional funds under the regular unemployment program or the CARES Act qualifies as fraud. If an individual obtains benefits through fraud, the individual is ineligible for any additional benefit payments, must pay back the benefits received and is subject to criminal prosecution. A poster is available here.
Question 2: What is the best method to reset my userid for the UInteract system so I can file a claim?
Answer: If you do not remember answers to your security questions, are unable to reset your userid and get locked out, you can try again in 24 hours. If you are still locked out, the best method to have your userid reset is by emailing [email protected]. Be sure to include your name, phone number and last four digits of your social security with your request. Due to the volume of inquiries, it may take a few days to respond to your request.
Question 3: Can I reset my own password if I’ve forgotten it?
Answer: Yes. You can click on “Forgot Password” to reset your password. If you have made too many attempts and are locked out, you can try again within 24 hours. There is no need to call the claims center staff to reset passwords.
Question 4: What guidance has Missouri received from the US Department of Labor regarding the $600 federal supplement?
Answer: On April 4, 2020, Missouri received guidance for the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program that provides an eligible individual with $600 per week in addition to the weekly benefit amount he or she receives from other unemployment compensation programs.
Question 5: What does the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program provide and how do I get the benefits?
Answer: The FPUC provides an additional $600 payment per week to those eligible for at least one dollar ($1 US) in regular unemployment benefits. The $600 federal supplement provided under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) provision to those that are unemployed will be effective the week beginning March 29, 2020 for those eligible to receive a regular unemployment weekly payment. The Missouri Department of Labor expects the payments to begin going out to eligible recipients as early as the week of April 12, 2020. Payments will be made retroactively for claims filed on or after March 29, 2020. The last payable week under the FPUC will be the week ending July 25, 2020. During the FPUC program period, claimants who are eligible to receive regular unemployment weekly payments will receive the additional $600 FPUC payment.
Question 6: When will I receive my payment under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) Program?
Answer: The additional $600 FPUC payments are expected to begin going to eligible individuals the week of April 12, 2020 after technology updates and procedures are implemented and tested.
Question 7: If I’m self-employed, can I receive unemployment benefits? I’ve exhausted my benefits; am I eligible for unemployment assistance?
Answer: Maybe. If you meet the requirements set out by the US Department of Labor for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program. The Missouri Department of Labor received guidance late on Sunday, April 5, 2020 about the PUA program. Because of the complexity of the PUA, the Missouri Department of Labor will need to analyze the information to effectively set up programming to implement the federal guidance. Missouri is proceeding as quickly as possible to put programming in place to process these claims. Individuals who are eligible for PUA will also receive the $600 federal supplement. The $600 payment will be made retroactive to claims filed on or after March 29. If you have recently filed an unemployment claim and were deemed ineligible because of a lack of earnings, you would have received a notice that you are not an insured worker. Specific documentation of proof of income will be required under the PUA for self-employed individuals. Additional information about the PUA will be available soon. Please check back for updates.
Question 8: Who pays for the additional $600 provided under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program?
Answer: The FPUC is 100% federally funded.
Question 9: Will I be able to collect regular unemployment or the $600 federal supplement if I have an existing overpayment? Can you waive the fraud penalties on my overpayment?
Answer: If you have an existing non-fraud overpayment, any weekly benefit payment for which you are eligible will be applied to the overpayment. If you have an existing fraud penalty, you are not eligible for benefits. If you have questions regarding your overpayment, you may call 573-751-4058.
Question 10: I am a small business. Is there any assistance available to keep my employees on the payroll during this time?
Answer: Check out the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program. SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and if the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities. For more information, visit the Small Business Administration’s page. For other resources to help businesses, visit the Department of Health’s page.
Question 11: If I am off of work due to the coronavirus and am eligible to receive UI benefits, does a waiting week have to be served prior to receiving my first payment?
Answer: Under the authority of Missouri EO20-4, the Missouri Department of Labor is in the process of waiving any waiting week requirement served for all claims filed as a result of the coronavirus.
Question 12: If the coronavirus (COVID-19) causes an employer to shut down operations temporarily, will workers qualify for unemployment benefits?
Answer: In most situations, yes. Missouri unemployment benefits are available to individuals who are unemployed through no fault of their own. If an employer must shut down operations temporarily and no work is available, individuals may be eligible for unemployment benefits if they meet the eligibility criteria. Weekly work search requirements are not required when there is a recall date within eight weeks of the temporary lay-off. If the recall date changes but is within the initial eight weeks from the last day worked, the employee must contact a Regional Claims Center representative to update the recall date. An employer may apply for approval of an extended recall and work search waiver for employees of up to sixteen weeks. For more information about recall and extended work search waiver please visit
Question 13: Will an employer’s unemployment taxes increase if an employee receives unemployment benefits because of a coronavirus-related business shutdown?
Answer: Under the authority of Missouri EO20-4, the Missouri Department of Labor is in the process of temporarily waiving any charges to contributory employers for benefits paid out to claimants as a result of a loss of work due to the coronavirus.
Question 14: If I am off of work due to the coronavirus and am receiving pay such as paid sick leave, vacation pay or family medical leave, am I eligible to receive unemployment benefits?
Answer: No. Generally speaking, an individual still receiving pay while off of work is not “unemployed” and is ineligible for unemployment benefits.
Question 15: Will employees be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits if an employer lays off employees due to the loss of production caused by the coronavirus?
Answer: In most situations, yes. Missouri unemployment benefits are available to any individual who is unemployed through no fault of his or her own. If an employer must lay off employees due to the loss of production caused by the coronavirus, individuals may be eligible for unemployment benefits if they meet the eligibility criteria. Employers may be able to avoid a lay-off with a partial shut down by applying for the Missouri Shared Work program. See question below.
Question 16: Can an employer participate in Missouri’s shared work program whose business has temporarily declined due to the coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Answer: An employer can participate in a shared work plan if they meet the eligibility requirements for Missouri’s shared work program. The Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Program is an alternative to layoffs for employers faced with a reduction in available work. It allows an employer to divide the available work among a specified group of affected employees instead of a layoff. These employees receive a portion of their unemployment benefits while working reduced hours.For more information about the eligibility requirements for Missouri’s shared work program, please visit , email [email protected]. or call 573-751-WORK (9675).
Question 17 : Are employer unemployment taxes and reports for the first quarter still due on April 30, 2020?
Answer: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the first quarter employer Contribution and Wage payment due date has been extended until June 1, 2020. Contribution and Wage reports are still due by April 30, 2020.
Question 18: Can an employer participate in a mass claim filing?
Answer: Yes. The Electronic Mass Claims Filing System is available to employers during a temporary mass lay-off. Employee information provided by the employer, allows the DES to file an initial or renewed unemployment claim on behalf of employees quickly and efficiently. An employer can participate in a mass claim filing if they meet the eligibility requirements below:
- The lay-off must be due to a lack of work;
- The lay-off must be less than eight weeks in duration;
- An employee is not on a leave of absence;
- The employee is not receiving pay; for example, sick pay, vacation pay, family medical leave pay, etc.
- For more information about the Mass Claims Filing System, please visit
Question 19: Will an employee be eligible for unemployment benefits if they are in mandatory quarantine because of suspicion of having the coronavirus?
Answer: In most situations, yes. Weekly work search eligibility requirements are not required when there is a recall date within eight weeks of the temporary lay-off.
Question 20: If an asymptomatic individual imposes a self-quarantine because of the coronavirus, will they be eligible for unemployment benefits?
Answer: The individual may be eligible for benefits. Unemployment benefits are available to individuals who are totally or partially unemployed due to no fault of their own. In this example, the individual—not the employer—is choosing not to work. However, the facts of each circumstance are essential. If the employer allowed this individual to telework and the individual chose not to accept that work, they would not qualify for benefits because they would not be unemployed. If the employer required the individual to stay home but did not offer telework, the individual might be eligible for benefits.
Question 21: If an individual leaves work to care for children due to school/daycare closures as a result of COVID-19, are they eligible to receive unemployment benefits?
Answer: In most cases, no. Unemployment benefits are available to individuals who are totally or partially unemployed due to no fault of their own. In this example, the individual is not available for work due to caring for children and would be ineligible. However, the facts of each circumstance are essential in determining eligibility for unemployment benefits.
Question 22: If an individual is ill because of the coronavirus, will they be eligible for unemployment benefits?
Answer: Maybe. The facts of each circumstance are essential in determining eligibility for unemployment benefits and each situation must be handled on a case by case basis.
Question 23: Can an individual receive Disaster Unemployment Assistance due to the coronavirus?
Answer: If the President of the United States declares the coronavirus a national disaster with individual assistance available, and if the individual experiences a loss of work in Missouri as a result, they may be eligible for unemployment benefits and/or Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
NOTE: The March 13, 2020, national disaster emergency declaration did NOT include individual assistance.
Question 24: When should an individual file for unemployment benefits?
Answer: Once the individual is separated from work, they should immediately file a claim for unemployment benefits.
Question 25: If an individual has exhausted unemployment benefits for the benefit year, are they eligible for additional unemployment benefits due to the Coronavirus?
Answer: Possibly. On April 5 Missouri received federal guidance on the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program. Because of the complexity of the PUA, DOLIR will need to analyze the information to effectively set up programming to implement the federal guidance.
Question 26: What if a claimant is required to participate in the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program?
Answer: If an individual is required to participate in the RESEA program the RESEA interview will be completed over the phone at this time. Claimants should contact the MO Job Center at the phone number listed on the appointment letter. If the individual is unable to participate, they may reschedule their interview appointment by contacting the job center at the phone number listed on their appointment letter.
For additional questions about COVID-19, please visit: