2019 Capital Improvement Program Plan to go before P&Z, City Council in February


If approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council in February, the City of Springfield will start work on 126 capital improvement projects and programs during the 2019 fiscal year. Twenty-eight projects and programs were completed in 2018 as promised at a cost of $43 million.

By definition, capital improvement projects are:

  • individual projects that are relatively large in project size and scope are estimated to cost $100,000 or more
  • are significant, permanent or have a useful life of six years or more
  • include the construction of new streets, parks, storm water and sanitary sewer facilities, improvements to the landfill, airport, zoo and public facilities, buildings and grounds
  • can include comprehensive programs which consolidate many smaller individual improvements that do not individually meet the $100,000 threshold. Examples are sidewalks, stormwater and sewer repair, signal enhancement and neighborhood improvement programs.
  • can include acquisition of property, land, right of way or easements, but should not include the purchase of equipment or services. The only exception to this is when the purchase of equipment is part of the initial startup of a project that involves a new service. For example, if a new fire station is proposed for funding, the fire trucks (and other equipment meeting the criteria listed above) should be included.


City of Springfield capital improvement projects are prioritized based on their relationship to the following City Council adopted priorities: Public Safety, Legislative Engagement, Fiscal Sustainability and Economic Vitality.

The planned 2019 projects include ones that are city-wide and in each of the four City Council zones.

“The Capital Improvements Program is a schedule and strategy for funding and planning the construction, maintenance and replacement of the infrastructure and public facilities for a six-year planning window,” said Principal City Planner Randall Whitman.

The program identifies capital projects and programs that will be funded in 2019 and those projects and programs potentially funded between 2020 and 2024.

Whitman said the CIP is updated on an annual basis, creating an opportunity for new projects or programs to be added and existing projects to be amended, as construction schedules and funding demands. This annual review allows projects and programs to receive consideration for funding and inclusion in the annual budget, as well as provide an opportunity for the public to review and comment on anticipated capital improvements projects planned across the city.

“The CIP also strives to align anticipated capital improvements with adopted plans, studies and related programs the City and its various departments are charged with following,” Whitman said.

The primary funding source for Capital Improvement Projects is the 1/4-cent Capital Improvement Project Sales Tax, which has been renewed every three years by Springfield voters since its inception in 1989 and will appear on the April 2 ballot.

Other funding sources include the 1/8-cent Transportation Sales Tax, the Level Property Tax, the 1/4-cent Parks Sales Tax, and state and federal funding.

City-wide projects include a reforestation and landscaping program, school sidewalks, sidewalk/curb/gutter and ramp construction, floodplain acquisition and stormwater improvement, bicycle routes signs and markings, neighborhood improvements, Neighborhood Initiatives Program and the Neighborhood Works program.

Zone 1 projects

  • Renew Jordan Creek box culvert segment from Phelps Street to Boonville Avenue
  • Jefferson Avenue Footbridge design and construction
  • New Fire Station No. 13, Westside / West Central Neighborhood, land acquisition
  • New Municipal Court building, Brower Street between Boonville and Campbell, planning and design
  • Chestnut South trunk sewer
  • Partnership Industrial Center West infrastructure development
  • Central Street improvements phase 2, Grant Avenue to Clay Avenue design
  • Division Street and Commercial Street turn lane and safety improvements
  • Division Street sidewalks and stormwater improvements, Kansas Expressway to West Avenue
  • Mt. Vernon Street bridge improvements over Jordan Creek
  • West Meadows trail improvements
  • The Link Washington Avenue underpass


Zone 2 projects

  • Beechwood Heights Phase I stormwater improvements
  • Fire Station No. 4 demolition and replacement
  • Gelven Withers subdivision stormwater improvements
  • Cherry Street improvements, Barnes Avenue to Oak Grove Avenue
  • Division Street improvements, National Avenue to Glenstone Avenue
  • Jordan Creek Regional Detention Basin B6
  • Springfield Industrial Park stormwater improvements


Zone 3 projects

  • Kansas Expressway extension, Republic Road to Farm Road 190
  • Yard Waste Recycling Center bagging plant
  • Campbell Avenue and Walnut Lawn intersection improvements
  • Republic Road improvements, Fairview Avenue to Chase Card Services
  • Scenic Avenue Bridge improvements over Wilson’s Creek
  • Main Avenue bridge improvements over Jordan Creek
  • Walnut Street Bridge improvements over Jordan Creek


Zone 4 projects

  • Lone Pine Recycling Center site upgrades
  • Linden Avenue and Latoka Street stormwater improvements
  • Ravenwood South Subdivision Phase II stormwater improvements
  • Battlefield Street and Fremont Avenue intersection improvements
  • Battlefield Street and Luster Avenue traffic signal improvements
  • Fire Station No. 7 demolition and replacement
  • Campbell Avenue and Walnut Lawn intersection improvements
  • Fremont Avenue, Battlefield Street to Sunset Street street improvements
  • Galloway Street improvements, Luster Avenue to Lone Pine Avenue
  • Primrose Street improvements, South Avenue to Kimbrough Avenue
  • 1366 E. Woodgate stormwater improvements


Whitman added that the development of the 2019 Capital Improvements Program represents a collaboration between multiple City departments, resulting in a comprehensive database of all public improvement needs planned everywhere in the City, from the airport to the zoo.

The Capital Improvements Program fulfills the City’s Charter requirement that the City Manager shall “… secure an estimate of all capital projects pending and of those which it is recommended should be undertaken (a) within the budget year and (b) within the next five succeeding years.”

View the draft of the 2019 Capital Improvements Program Plan
View the draft summary of the 2019 Capital Improvements Program Plan


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