The Grant Beach Neighborhood Association held its annual Neighborhood Night Out on Aug. 23 at Grant Beach Park.Approximately 500 people attend every year. This is the biggest event that Grant Beach Neighborhood Association does every year, and is our biggest fundraising event. This year, we had two bands playing in the park, providing music all evening.
A big THANK YOU to Life 360 Fairbanks for providing the food; and to Guardians Brotherhood for preparing the food on their grills.
We had a LOT of door prizes to give out; as well as 12 raffle baskets (approximate value of $80 to $200) and our wonderful live auction.
We had approximately 25-plus exhibitors and vendors; as well as our own tie-dyeing t-shirts, games and other activities.
Many people visited the Railroad Historical Museum, located in the southeast corner of Grant Beach Park. The museum is free and is open 2-4 p.m. on Saturdays.
We are blessed to have a great group of people who volunteered.
Our biggest THANK YOU, however goes to our National Night Out Chair, Kevin Carter, who has spent months working on and preparing for National Night Out. He does an awesome job of getting donations and exhibitors each year.
We strive each year to make our National Night Out bigger and better than the year before and we will continue to do so.
A very big THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered, donated, exhibited and/or participated in any way. We could not do this event without all of you.