Sewer improvements coming along Pea Ridge Creek near Doling neighborhood


The City is planning two sanitary sewer improvement projects along the Pea Ridge Creek in north Springfield, targeted to begin in late 2022. 

The projects are aimed at reducing the number of sanitary sewer overflows in the area by increasing the size and capacity of underground sewer pipes. Improvements will also provide capacity for any future growth and development in the area.

“Environmental Services uses a variety of rehabilitation and maintenance methods to help repair and extend the life of Springfield’s sanitary sewer system,” explains Mike DeLong. “However, repeated cases of sanitary sewer overflows in the Pea Ridge Creek area tell us that we have capacity issues that warrant construction to improve service and protect public health in this area.”

The City and easement acquisition contractors hosted an informational open house in late November at the Doling Northview Center to help inform the public and impacted property owners of the details of the project and what to expect from the easement acquisition and construction process. Those who missed the open house are encouraged to visit to learn more.  

The City is under an amended consent judgement with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to eliminate sanitary sewer overflows. The City’s Overflow Control Plan was revised in early 2021 to establish a supplementary plan and timeline for investment in improving Springfield’s aging sanitary sewer system. 

Sanitary sewer improvements around Pea Ridge Creek are anticipated for construction beginning in fall of 2022. The combined cost of the projects is estimated at $5.2 million and will be funded using sanitary sewer reserve funds as outlined in the Supplemental Overflow Control Plan approved by City Council in April, 2021.

About the projects

The Pea Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project will follow along the north fork of the Pea Ridge Creek roughly between Heritage Avenue and National Avenue. The project will replace approximately 5,500 feet of an existing 12-inch sanitary sewer main with a new 24-inch pipe. About 1,200 feet of 18-inch main will also be added to run parallel with an existing pipe.

The Doling Park Sanitary Sewer Project will join with the Pea Ridge project near Heritage Avenue and will run south along the Doling Branch of Pea Ridge Creek into Doling Park. The project will replace roughly 6,900 feet of existing sanitary sewer main with larger diameter pipe up to 27 inches. 

The goal of both projects is to increase sewage capacity within the sanitary sewer collection system and reduce overflows.

For more information, visit the project webpage at


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