Bradford Park closed out the year with two events, a successful mid-week clean-up on Nov. 2, 2022 and a Pancake Supper on Nov. 15. The response for the clean-up was very good and many neighbors took advantage of the great weather to fill up five dumpsters with leaves and grass, brush and limbs, and all kinds of household disposables.
A large number of electronic recyclables were handled and a good amount of metal recyclables were collected. Several student volunteers from Missouri State and Evangel helped out and their efforts were very much appreciated.
The final social event of 2022 was a Pancake Supper held at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Hot pancakes with all the trimmings and sausage were enjoyed by all who attended. The election of new officers and board for Bradford Park will take place during the first meeting of the new year, tentatively set for March 14 at Immaculate Conception at 6:30 p.m Watch for more details and information in the first neighborhood newsletter which will go out around the first of March.