If you live in Meador Park you know of the many benefits of our neighborhood. We are home to Cowden Elementary School, Mercy Hospital, Meador Park, the Battlefield Mall and numerous other great businesses. Meador Park by the Mall is where several neighborhood activities are held throughout the year, including kickball and National Night Out.
Additionally, we have many in our neighborhood who work tirelessly to make the place we call home the best it can be. Creating and maintaining a great neighborhood takes work and community involvement on an ongoing basis, which is why we encourage everyone to become active in supporting our local neighborhood association and the leaders of our community who help us achieve the goals we have for our neighborhood.
Meador Park NA is participating in the Adopt-a-Street program for the second year. This year we have also registered with Clean Green Springfield and hope to help in activities that will help keep Springfield clean.
On April 15 we had a small group that picked up trash along Cherokee Street from Fremont to Glenstone. Watch our Facebook group page for dates of future cleanups. Your participation is much appreciated and may result in freebies to be given away at the events.
In May, Meador Park NA hosted a plant/seed exchange. Neighbors were invited to bring plants, soil, pots, seeds and other gardening supplies to share/exchange with other neighbors. A table was set up for neighborhood children to create seed bombs which they were able to take home and plant. This first year was a small event which we hope will grow in the coming years.
Cowden Elementary is in the physical boundaries of Meador Park NA. Although Delaware Elementary is outside of the neighborhood boundaries, about half of the homes in Meador Park have students who attend Delaware. For that reason, we support both schools and participate in events they have throughout the school year. Several Meador Park members helped at the Delaware Fun Night on May 12 by supervising the ring toss at which students were able to throw rings in an attempt to ring a bottle of soda. If they were successful, the prize was the bottle of soda. The line was long as student after student tested their skills in an attempt to win the much-coveted prize.
Meador Park NA has also donated funds to Cowden which have been used to help with student needs throughout the school year.
During the second weekend in June, we once again had our annual garage sale. This is a neighborhood wide event which has grown each year it has been held. Neighbors conduct their own sale and the association advertises it by posting signs around the area.