Do You Know? Marti Mowery, President, Tom Watkins Neighborhood Association


Marti Mowery

How long have you lived in your neighborhood and why do you choose to live there?

Fifteen and a half years. I love where I live – Tom Watkins neighborhood. My neighborhood is made up of all walks of life and most of my neighbors are likeminded and big-hearted and want to make their neighborhood a better place for their neighbors and their families for the future. I look at life like this: in this world there are givers (those who give back); takers (self-explanatory); and leavers (those who leave the world and their neighborhoods a better place for the future leaders and their families. I am a leaver.

What do you do for a living?

I am a stay-at-home momma, but I am also a music promoter.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I along with others from Tom Watkins Neighborhood Association have been for the last three years running a food network for 12 families in my neighborhood. We want to help everyone have food and never be hungry again, no matter where they are in life. This is in partnership with Victory Mission and Greene County Damaged Freight. I have been President of Tom Watkins Neighborhood Association since 2009. We have partnered with Heart Academy of Music for the last three years to offer a weeklong music camp for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade, where we share music of all kinds and from all genres, as well as from all over the world with them. I am a eclectic music Fan. I enjoy all kinds of music as it helps ease heartache, depression and anxiety, as well as make the world unite over everything. I love to share music with everyone.

What’s something you’d like to change about your neighborhood?

I’d like to be able to bring more programs and funding into our neighborhood to help the less fortunate and homeless who do not have transportation to the go to the food banks, clothing banks, diaper assistance, and housing and education services. And I’d like less crime, like every other neighborhood.

Please tell us about your family.

My husband Don Atwood and I have been together 23 years and have three children: Donald 21, Elizabeth 16, and Robert, 15. All three of our children have high-functioning autism. We have always try to show them how to give back to their community and be a part of the solution instead of just being part of the problem.


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