As we approach the end of 2017, it’s time to reflect on the projects of the Westside Neighborhood Betterment Association for this year and look to the new year and how we can help our neighbors.
The projects and events of this year serve to help determine the impact on our neighbors and how more can be completed to bring our west side closer together. In order to do this, it must be a neighborhood effort: Westsiders coming together to share their time and efforts.
At the start of 2017, the first quarterly edition of SGF Neighborhood News was mailed to all of our neighbors. In this free publication you will find articles concerning the Westside and the city. During the Zone Blitz, we were told that a lack of communication was a key concern for the Westside. A lack of Internet access was also a concern.
Due to the rising cost of paper, printing, and mailing, a WNBA news letter is cost prohibitive. The WNBA is now relying on the SGF Neighborhood News to share neighborhood news and the calendar of events, which will be mailed to you at no cost by subscribing online at, by phone (call Melissa Haase, 417-864-1003) or by e-mail (
At this point, after four publications of this great paper, only 33 Westside households have requested SGF Neighborhood News be mailed to them. While some prefer the online version or read the paper edition at a business, library, or WNBA meeting, it would be helpful to share this information with your neighbors who do not have access to the online version.
A grassroots effort was successful when the City conducted a poll to determine the most needed capital building project for Springfield. The WNBA went online to ask neighbors to vote for the much-needed Grand Street bridge project. WNBA members also went door to door to have paper ballots completed and delivered to the city.
The project with the most votes was the Grand Street bridge project, which will replace the bridge and the sidewalks approaching the bridge and nearby railroad tracks. The bidding and planning phase is well under way and construction is expected to begin soon. Neighbors who drive and walk in this area have experienced the difficulties involved with safely crossing the bridge while pedestrians and vehicles are on the bridge at the same time. More information will be announced later, including when the bridge replacement will close the road to vehicle and pedestrian traffic. View KY3’s coverage of this story at
This was an election year for mayor and City Council one representatives. The Zone 1 neighborhood associations, including the WNBA, and the Neighborhood Advisory Council, organized a public candidate forum where our neighbors could hear candidates’ positions on neighborhood concerns so we could make an informed decision at the polls.
The WNBA participates in the Adopt-A-Street Program by picking up litter along the sides of Mt. Vernon Street between Park Ave and Kansas Expressway. This was done in April and will be done again in October or November. When a date is set, it will be announced on our Facebook page and Nextdoor. Come join us and meet your neighbors.
One of the most popular events sponsored by the WNBA is the spring neighborhood clean-up. WNBA volunteers help our neighbors dispose of unwanted household items and yard waste into dumpsters that is hauled away from our neighborhood. This last event removed tons of trash from our neighborhood. We can always use more volunteers at this event. This could be an opportunity for you to help your neighbors and your neighborhood. With an increase of volunteers an additional clean-up could be added to serve the neighborhood.
Have you walked on the new neighborhood sidewalks? The WNBA discussed the need for additional sidewalks and the need was addressed by the City. The sidewalk on West Street now goes from College Street to Grand. Watch for additional sidewalks coming to the neighborhood. While checking out the new sidewalk, stop by Madison and West to check out the free WNBA Library Cabinet. The Library has books and movies to check out as well as neighborhood information.
The Neighborhood Night out is conducted by WNBA volunteers where neighbors get together for food, fun, games for the kids and the opportunity to meet neighbors. Information booths from several service agencies are present to provide information on services that may help you.
The WNBA represents our neighborhood at the Neighborhood Advisory Council. The NAC brings the concerns and budget priorities to the City for consideration.
If you want to help with any of these activities or other projects, including organizing a block party in your neighborhood, assist with funding and grant applications, participating in Westport School events, helping with Route 66 events, participate in parades, helping with Boys & Girls Clubs events, write an article for the SGF Neighborhood News, or if you have your own ideas for the Westside, come to a WNBA meeting. It is neighbors helping neighbors.
The WNBA meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Westport Park Apartment, Community Room, 250 N. Hilton. Come to a meeting and bring your ideas on helping your neighborhood.