Community Partnership’s Ozarks Alliance to End Homelessness seeks 100 volunteers for ninth annual HOPE Connection and Veterans Stand Down.
This event is an annual one-day, one-stop service site for the Ozark’s homeless population, and will feature a Veterans Stand Down with specific services for veterans. HOPE Connection is an outcome-oriented event – a day for people to make changes and have immediate access to essential services. We anticipate having over 60 service providers on-site and serving 650 people.
Each guest seeking services is paired with a community volunteer who serves as an event guide. Guides help navigate services and provide one-on-one support throughout the guest’s time at HOPE Connection/Stand Down. This experience is equally impactful for the guest and the guide.
Volunteers must be available 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 15, and be able to attend a 30-minute training 4-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Lunch and a T-shirt will be provided to volunteers.
For more information and to register, please visit Registration will close on Wednesday, Oct. 25, or when all positions are filled. To hear stories from past volunteers, check out Stories of Hope at