Community Partnership of the Ozarks hosted its 11th annual Neighborhood Organization Volunteer Awards (NOVA) ceremony, Dec. 4, 2017, recognizing and rewarding outstanding volunteers in area neighborhoods who work tirelessly to improve and revitalize their communities.
“A nova is a brightly shining star,” said Brooke Ash, Caring Communities program director at Community Partnership. “We feel organizations and individuals who tirelessly work at making our community a better place to live should be recognized as stars. The annual Nova banquet allows us to reflect on the achievements and contributions made by dedicated people in our community. The Nova banquet is a highlight of our year and we truly enjoy the opportunity to celebrate so many who go unnoticed for all they do in and for our neighborhoods.”
State Rep. Crystal Quade, who represents part of the 132nd District, was the keynote speaker. Quade spoke about the strength of Springfield’s neighborhoods, how Springfieldians are known for getting things done through collaboration and how that makes Springfield a special place.
The 2017 Neighborhood Innovation Award went to Doling Neighborhood Association for its Block Party Trailer.
“When you look up the word innovation in the dictionary, you find synonyms including original, new, novel, fresh, unusual, unprecedented, creative, and inventive. The first award that we are presenting tonight is a new award, appropriately named the Innovation Award. In reflecting on all the great things happening in neighborhood associations across the city, we decided it was time to start annually recognizing a neighborhood that has done something innovative. The first recipient of the Innovation Award is the Doling Neighborhood Association for their Block Party Trailer. Doling has worked to revitalize their neighborhood association over the last year, and in doing so, were able to secure a grant from CFO in order to make their Block Party Trailer a reality. They put a lot of time and energy into researching, planning and writing for the grant. Their hard work paid off as they were awarded the grant to pursue their innovative, impactful project. And since getting their Block Party Trailer up and going, they’ve been able to bring neighbors together across the city.”
Christina Dicken, president, accepted the award on behalf of Doling.
The 2017 Reaching for the Stars Award went to the City of Springfield Department of Public Information (PIO) for SGF Neighborhood News.
“Reaching for the Stars is an annual award given to a person, organization, or partner that has had a particularly large and profound impact on the neighborhoods throughout the past year. Over the last year, the staff in the Public Information Office have worked hard to help improve neighborhood communication across the city. If you ask neighborhoods what one of their most pressing issues is, many will say being able to effectively share information with their neighbors. Springfield Neighborhood News was born as a response to this need. The website and printed paper serves as a platform for sharing creative, relevant, heart-warming and need-to-know information with neighbors all over the city. PIO took a great idea, with input and feedback from neighborhoods, and created SGF Neighborhood News, a quality publication that has helped bring neighbors from all over the city valuable information.”
Director Cora Scott and Assistant Director Melissa Haase accepted the award on behalf of the department.
Individual Novas were awarded to:
- Bissett: Chandra Palmer
- Bradford Park: Ed Messerly
- Delaware: Kevin Evans
- Doling: Jean Ackley
- Grant Beach: Pauletta Dunn
- Greater Parkcrest: Carol McCarthy
- Midtown: John Nolie & Sons
- Oak Grove: Renee Tyson
- Robberson: Phyllis Evans
- Tom Watkins: Elizabeth Atwood
- Weller: Chris Coker
- West Central: Caron Parnell
- Westside Betterment: Joe Roberds
- Woodland Heights: Rhonda Ferguson.
Concluding the event were the Great Neighborhoods grants to neighborhoods that participated in cheering sections for the Bass Pro Marathon in November 2017. Bass Pro again committed funds to encourage the cheering sections.
Alana Owen and Brendan Griesemer from the City’s Planning & Development Department awarded 11 $750 Great Neighborhoods checks to each neighborhood association that participated in cheering sections for the Bass Pro Marathon in November 2017. Neighborhoods that received checks were Bissett, Bradford Park, Greater Parkcrest, Phelps, Robberson, Tom Watkins, Weller, West Central, Westside, Woodland Heights and Grant Beach.
Congratulations to all, and a big thanks to first-ever Novas sponsor Air Services Heating & Cooling for making the evening possible.