Did you know Horace Mann Elementary is one of 16 elementary schools in Springfield that receives $100 a month to purchase all kinds of items for students? This project is called Mann Market and is part of an organization called Cents of Pride.
Mann Market is sponsored by and housed in The Way Church across the street from the school and is open the last Tuesday of each month.
To shop at Mann Market, students earn “dollars” in a variety of ways such as improving their school attendance, treating each other with respect and making wise decisions. Students then get to visit Mann Market with the “dollars” they have earned to “buy” toys, games, clothing, snacks or toiletries.
Mann Market always needs volunteers to staff the monthly shopping event and to donate items to the market or donate money so volunteers can pick up items.
If you are interested in donating your time or resources, please contact GPNA Vice President Murielle Reed at muriellereed@gmail.com. You can always bring donations to any GPNA-sponsored event or meeting, as well.
Interested in donating items to Mann Market? Below is a list of suggested items for you from Horace Mann.
- Toys for girls and boys ages kindergarten-fifth grade;
- Clothes, including socks and gloves;
- Stuffed animals;
- Board games;
- Individually-wrapped snack items;
- Toiletries, such as shampoo, toothbrushes, combs, etc.