Brandon Jenson has been a co-leader at the West Central Community Garden for just over a year. He got involved in community gardening working with those who are socially and economically disadvantaged while living in Denver and after returning to Springfield, wants to continue that mission in his hometown. Every day working in the garden offers a new learning experience, from figuring out how to grow Brussels sprouts, to combatting hostile grass takeovers. Brandon and co-leader Nancy Underhill typically work on Thursday evenings at 6 p.m.; come join for fun work, fresh produce, and a cold beer afterward at Mother’s Brewing!
I’m Nancy Underhill, the co-garden leader at SCG’s West Central Community Garden by Mother’s Brewing Company. I work at MSU as one of the arborists on campus. I’ve also owned a greenhouse business. I have worked my whole life growing things. I have a simple goal, to do what I can to make it better where I live.
If you’d like to volunteer with us, our work days are Thursday’s starting at 5 p.m. We like to call it Taps and Trowels, as we can stroll over to Mother’s Brewing after our work day!