Author: Laura Schulteis, Robberson Community School, for SGFNN

It’s a beautiful day in the Robberson neighborhood just about any day, but Yesenia and Tony Martinez will tell you that Wednesdays are a little extra special. That’s because on Wednesdays from 4:25 until 5 p.m., a six-wheeled, multi-ton, you-can’t-miss-it, white truck with swirls of green rolls down the street;…

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[pullquote] “If you ever plan to motor west, Travel my way, take the highway that is best. Get your kicks on Route sixty-six …” – Route 66, composed by Bobby Troup, 1946 [/pullquote] Seventy-one years after this famous tune was penned, Robberson Community School students got their kicks on Route 66 motoring…

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