Brentwood Neighborhood hosted its second annual Summer Kickoff Event on Thursday, May 30. It was a great success. The Brentwood Social Committee planned the event with funds provided by the association. One of the many goals of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association is to recreate the sense of community that Brentwood was once known for; and we hope to have many more social events geared toward building that sense of community and providing neighbors with the opportunity to get to know one another.
Located at Kirkwood Park’s new playground, the event consisted of a BBQ, live music, games, and many, many prizes donated by the vendors of the Brentwood Shopping Center.
The next social event scheduled for the Brentwood Neighborhood is the City of Springfield sponsored Lantern Walk in October, but we would love to hear from our neighbors the types of event that would appeal to them. To provide your input, please join us at our next neighborhood association meeting. Meetings take place on the last Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at Unity Church.
Please note that a new website with neighborhood meetings and events is currently being created. It should be up and running soon!