Busy spring and summer coming for Bissett


In addition to regular membership meetings, we have two big events coming up this summer: our annual cleanup and annual neighborhood-wide yard sale.

The cleanup is scheduled for June 7, 3-8 pm. Unlike past years’, we are planning to hold it in the back lot of Complete Electronics Recycling, located at 2935 W. Chestnut Expressway. There should be a post card that will come to all addresses in Bissett as we get closer to the event. This event is free for most items dropped off, and we are planning again to have curb side pickups available for those who may be unable to bring their refuse. Fees are required for disposal of TVs, refrigerators and other freon-containing appliances, and unfortunately, we will not be able to take tires.

Our annual neighborhood-wide yard sale is set for Saturday, July 15, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.  As in the past, BNA will do promotions to get the word out. For BNA members, we will also provide a sign in each participant’s yard, as well as additional way-finding signs at the perimeters of our neighborhood.  Sales in previous years have been well attended, and we expect the same again this year.

Regular membership meetings are slated for April 11, May 9, July 11 and Sept. 12.  Starting at 6:30 p.m., you can count on an interesting guest speaker on a topic of interest to all, plus crime updates from our neighborhood’s SPD police officer and information about city-wide initiatives via Springfield’s Neighborhood Advisory Council.  The meetings are preceded by an optional free pot luck dinner starting at 6 p.m. Meetings are held at the Eden Village 2 Community Room at the west end of Brower Street.

Be looking for meeting and event updates on Facebook and NextDoor, and feel free to reach out on our email should you have any questions. As all Bissett activities are conducted by volunteers, we welcome any and all who might be willing to join with us in helping out. Working together, we can make Bissett a cleaner, healthier and safer neighborhood.


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