On the last day of school, a group of Central High School students, staff and community leaders commemorated CHS alumna Linda Brown with a special bench dedication ceremony. A special mini-documentary available on Springfield Public Schools’ website (sps.org) produced by two Springfield Scholars sixth-graders, Elseya Ligon and Madeleine Bauer, was screened at the event.
“We were going to do a project for National History Day, and we were walking around the school one day, and we realized, oh Linda Brown went here, that would be a really good thing to focus on, because that could honor her and the school,” said Elseya.
Last year, a group of CHS teachers called the Heritage Team came together to commemorate Central’s 125th birthday. And near the end of its year-long celebration, Brown passed away. The team was compelled to act, said Meredith Wisniewski, Springfield Scholars teacher.
“Because she was such an integral part of the civil rights movement and tied so closely to Central’s history, we knew we had to do something in her honor,” said Wisniewski. “We talked about a lot of different ideas, but we landed on something that would be a permanent reminder of her being a part of Central’s history.”
Brown, a member of the CHS Class of 1961, served as an advocate and activist for her entire life, but she lived only in Springfield for two years. By honoring her legacy with a special bench on its campus, Central celebrates her work and strives to continue it, says CHS principal Dr. Lisa Anderson.