City constructs intersection safety improvements at National Avenue and Kingsley Street


Following years of monitoring crash rates and safety concerns at the intersection of National Avenue and Kingsley Street, Springfield Public Works constructed a median to limit left turns onto National Avenue to improve safety at the intersection.

In a recent crash rate analysis, 22 accidents were reported at this intersection over a 30-month period, with 21 crashes being attributed to left turns in the intersection. This number does not include an unknown number of unreported incidents and regularly observed close calls. Although there were no fatalities recorded during this 30-month period, nine of these crashes resulted in injuries.

Public Works constructed a relatively low-cost median, with updated signing and striping, that will prevent left turns onto north and southbound National from Kingsley Street on the east and the private drive on the west. The median will also prohibit traffic crossing National Avenue entirely.

“This is what we call a three-quarter access or “left-in, right-in, right-out’ only,” explains Traffic Engineer Brett Foster. “It still allows traffic to flow in and out but restricts the risky and often impractical left-turns out attempted there. These improvements will help reduce loss of property, personal injury and make this area much safer for all who use it.”

Several alternative options exist to access north or southbound National Avenue.

From the west (Shared access drive):

  • Drivers can utilize shared access driveways to make a left-turn at Republic Road, then head north on National.
  • Motorists can also take a right turn at National Avenue, turn left at Republic Road, then use Fremont Avenue to head north.

From the east (Kingsley Street):

  • Motorists wanting to go south on National can travel east on Kingsley Street to Fremont Avenue, where they can travel south.

The project was completed with Public Works Street Operations crews and cost less than $10,000, funded through the ¼-Cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax Traffic Calming Program.


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