City to proceed with Jefferson Avenue Footbridge rehabilitation


City Council heard an update on the contractor bid process results for the Jefferson Avenue Footbridge rehabilitation project at the May 21 City Council Lunch Workshop. The City’s recent effort to attract contractor bids resulted in one bid by local contracting company Branco. The bid provided a range of options with cost projections from $8.5 million to $10.8 million.

This was the second of two bid processes for the rehabilitation project over the past three years – the first of which yielded two bidders, but both were deemed unresponsive due to not meeting the eligibility requirements for use of federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funds.

The state of Missouri has included a proposed $8 million in state funding for the restoration project, when combined with current identified funding from 1/8-cent and 1/4-cent sales taxes and $50,000 from the Commercial Club, brings the total available to $8.4 million.

The footbridge project was included in a measure taken to City Council in May to provide debt service required to bond a number of projects, with annual payments coming from the 1/4-cent and 1/8-cent sales tax revenues in the future. Including the bridge project allows City Council the flexibility to select whichever rehabilitation option available in the recent bid.

Public Works anticipates bringing a bill formally accepting the bid and $10.8 million rehabilitation cost to City Council in June. Upon acceptance of the bid, Branco will be given a notice to proceed providing approximately six months for railroad permitting, supply and equipment ordering and general project planning. The City expects to provide a second notice to proceed for construction to begin in spring of 2025. Construction is expected to last approximately six months. The City is hopeful the rehabilitation will be complete near the end of 2025.

The solicited construction project will involve the complete rehabilitation of the existing steel bridge structure, the repair and replacement of existing deficient structural members, removal and replacement of wood decking, replacement of stairs, application of a new paint system and installation of lighting. Two elevators will be installed on the north and south approaches to bring the bridge into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide equitable access to all.

Built in 1902, Springfield’s Jefferson Avenue Footbridge is on the National Register of Historic Places. The 562-foot-long steel bridge allows pedestrians to cross 13 tracks of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) rail yard between Chase Street and Commercial Street.

The Jefferson Avenue Footbridge was the first of its kind to be built in Missouri and is unique in engineering and historic significance. The footbridge was built at public expense by The American Bridge Company of Pennsylvania. Its innovative multi-arched cantilever design made it possible for workers to construct the bridge by spanning out over the railroad tracks, thereby minimizing impacts to the rail lines below. The bridge also represents the history of Springfield and North Springfield coming together in 1887 and the community’s connection to the railroad and the commercial growth opportunities it provided.

Placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2003, the Jefferson Avenue Footbridge continues as a symbol of growth and opportunity today. Prior to its closure, the bridge served as a vital pedestrian and bicycle connection, linking the booming Commercial Street Historic District to the Woodland Heights Neighborhood and helping to spur growth of the Moon City Creative District across the tracks to the north.

The Jefferson Avenue Footbridge was closed March 1, 2016 after Public Works inspectors found corrosion and steel loss in the north support column. Due to safety concerns, it was deemed in the public’s best interest to close the bridge to conduct a full evaluation and determine repair options. 

To learn more about the project, view a video recording of a recent project public information session and sign up for regular project updates, visit


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