City’s assistant director of Environmental Services named interim director of BDS


Wade Drossel, P.E., has been named the interim director of the Building Development Services department (BDS) as the City continues with the search for a permanent director. Wade has been serving as one of two Environmental Services assistant directors. His office will be located in BDS.

Wade grew up in northwest Missouri, where he began his career in production management while attending Missouri Western State University. Upon graduating with a bachelor of science degree in business administration, he continued his career in production scheduling, shipping, and materials. In 2005, he was drawn to the Ozarks by the beauty and opportunities the area provided, so he moved to Springfield and resumed his career in manufacturing.

The chance to pursue a career in civil engineering presented itself in 2009, and in 2012 Wade graduated with a bachelor of science in civil engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology. After graduation, he worked for a rural electric cooperative, designing transmission lines, inspecting projects, writing contracts and working on other unique and diverse projects. During that time, he also became a licensed professional engineer. He joined the City of Springfield in September 2018.


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