Construction to begin this fall for first phase of Renew Jordan Creek project


Construction is expected to begin this fall for the long-anticipated project to uncover Jordan Creek, a waterway that, since it was boxed in in 1929 to mitigate flooding, runs underneath downtown Springfield.

Renew Jordan Creek is the multi-phase effort to “daylight” the historic Jordan Creek by significantly modifying the existing Jordan Creek floodplain and floodway areas currently confined in concrete box culverts that run east to west through downtown Springfield. Phase I of the project will uncover 1,100 feet of the creek and restore it to a more natural state in an area roughly located north of Water Street between Boonville and Main avenues. Although the project is intended to reduce flooding, it is also anticipated to serve as an urban amenity and catalyst for redevelopment.  Later phases of the community-developed Jordan Creek Masterplan envision improvements at Founders Park and the City-owned property at 404 N. Jefferson Ave.

Construction is scheduled to last approximately two years with a completion date estimated for late 2026. Local traffic and access to businesses, residences and parking will be maintained throughout construction, however, directional detours are expected. Construction is expected to impact through-traffic near the work site for a large portion of the project duration. The City is planning a public information session this fall to share details.

Funding for phase I will come from a variety of local sources combined with a number of outside grants. Local funding will come from the City’s Level Property Tax, ¼-cent and 1/8-cent sales taxes, and Environmental Services Green Infrastructure funds. External funding sources include Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Block Grant funds, local American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) ARPA grant, a Missouri Department of Economic Development ARPA funds, Environmental Protection Agency and DNR grants as well as Clean Water State Revolving Fund program assistance.   

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