Your neighborhood association could win up to $500 for participating in #CPOzarks‘ neighborhood challenge!
Our Caring Communities team, much like all of you, is bored of being cooped up inside. What better way to remedy cabin fever then to get outside and interact with your neighbors! So to encourage neighborhood interaction and engagement, we’ve come up with a challenge specifically designed just for registered neighborhoods!
Over the years we have heard a lot of “how do we get more people involved?” We think it’s as simple as starting with your own neighbors. Each neighborhood will be given the opportunity to create an activity/activities to engage your neighbors while physically, not socially, distancing! Encourage your neighbors to get out and be a part of your neighborhood.
Be creative, invite your neighbors, and post pictures of your neighborhood activity/activities! The only limitations are your creativity, and of course the CDC and Springfield-Greene County Health Department guidelines!
Neighborhood leaders may email [email protected] for more details and to participate.