Delaware hosted its annual ice cream social at Westminister Presbyterian Church July 9.
“Our family had a wonderful time at the ice cream social last night. Thank you to everyone that helped, donated and came. It was great to see our police officer, firefighters, Delaware Elementary staff, church community, and neighbors come together and just enjoy each other’s company. [This is] proof that we do live in a great neighborhood. If you never have gone to one of our social events, I urge you to come next time,” said Jill Hoener, in a post on Delaware’s Facebook group.
New Delaware women’s group
There is a new Delaware neighborhood women’s group forming! Join us at 5:30 the second Tuesday of each month (different location each month) for food, drink (if you want), and frivolity. Join Delaware’s Facebook group or contact Nancy Williams for locations. The first location will be Hold Fast Brewing at 5:30 on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Come join us! RSVP so we can have space saved for us.
New polling place while Delaware Elementary is under construction
According to Greene County Clerk Shane Schoeller, while Delaware Elementary is under construction, Westminster Presbyterian Church will be the neighborhood’s polling place. The next election is Nov. 5.