Many Springfield residents are familiar with Amy Blansit and the Drew Lewis Foundation housed at The Fairbanks. Blansit and The Northwest Project have joined forces with Lexi Amos and Jobs with Justice, a non-partisan organization focused on issues relating to labor and poverty.
Jobs with Justice will be leading door-to-door efforts to reach out to residents of Grant Beach and some surrounding neighborhoods, to engage in meaningful conversations. You may have already seen JwJ volunteers in your neighborhood.
“Missouri Jobs with Justice is an organization dedicated to address the systemic issues of poverty and racism. We work with workers to build power in Springfield, surrounding areas, and across the state of Missouri. We have partnered with the Drew Lewis Foundation and OTC to address barriers workers are experiencing to employment, and are excited to get a chance to talk with many of you to learn from you what systemic barriers you are experiencing as a worker and how that is affecting you, your family, and your ability to participate in our community and government,” Amos said.
Volunteers and leadership with JwJ are just regular people, most of whom are struggling to make ends meet just like everyone else. They are not removed from the real world and understand that the truth is not always pretty. They are interested in real conversations with the unvarnished truth. They will be canvassing door to door, asking residents about the barriers they face personally in acquiring and keeping employment that meets their financial security needs. Those barriers could be any number of things, from transportation that is convenient, affordable and available when needed to early morning child care to a prison record.
Look for the Jobs with Justice canvassers, who can be identified by their shirts. Any help you can give them by speaking to them would be appreciated.
If you would like to know more or get involved in the project, feel free to reach out to Lexi Amos anytime by email at [email protected] or call or text 316-305-0407.