1111 E Brookside Dr
Springfield, MO 65807
Residents and/or property owners in the Phelps Grove neighborhood are invited to participate in the spring neighborhood clean-up. The City and the neighborhood association encourages residents to take advantage of this free and convenient opportunity to dispose of trash, brush, metal. Residents are encouraged to address overgrown fence rows, backyards and alleys adjacent to your property by mowing, cutting down, trimming and disposing of all brush and related debris.
Each year, neighborhood clean-ups serve approximately 900 households and remove over 175 tons of bulk waste (furniture, mattresses, etc.) and brush from Springfield neighborhoods. The clean-ups take place outside, rain or shine. Items accepted are trash, brush, leaves and metal. Curbside pickup is available, but fees may apply. Contact Eric Pauly (Phelps Grove, 736-9357 or [email protected]) or Jan Peterson (University Heights, 838-6216 or [email protected]) to schedule a pickup.