On Sunday, July 16, the Woodland Heights Neighborhood Association held its third Porch Pickin’ in Woodland Heights concert on the lawn of a beautiful Chase Street home with a majestic view of our beloved Jefferson Avenue Footbridge in the background. Upwards of 30 neighbors and friends gathered to listen to musical performances by Lija Fonner and the Flower Power & Eddie Gumucio. There were also poetry readings from A Poet Named Shay and our neighborhood’s very own rhyming troubadour, Matthew Siegmann.
When the concert was finished, neighbors gathered on the lawn to enjoy conversation, cool beverages and the rumbling sound of nearby trains passing under the (hopefully, soon to be restored) Jefferson Avenue Footbridge.
The concert series returns every third Sunday through Oct. 15 to various porches throughout the Woodland Heights Neighborhood. Visit woodlandheightsneighborhood.org or our social media for locations.