The Springfield Fire Department has received a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to purchase 50 escape ladders for multilevel homes located in Zones 1 and 2. To find out what council zone you live in, visit or contact the Citizen Resource Center at 417-864-1010.
To receive an escape ladder, you must live within these zones and complete a home escape plan with the Fire Department. Contact Fire and Life Safety Educator Heather Parker at [email protected] or 417-874-2380 to arrange time with a fire crew to complete a home escape plan.
Escape ladders are simple to store and provide extra protection in case of emergency.
If you live in a single-story home and do not have a need for an escape ladder, please still keep in mind these safety tips:
- Create and practice a home escape plan at least twice per year.
- Know at least two ways out of every room.
- Have an outside meeting place.
- Teach children how to escape on their own in case you cannot help them.
- Close doors behind you as you leave.