Galloway Village is so excited and proud to be the 20th registered neighborhood association in the City of Springfield.
Galloway Village has such history in the area, and we are so incredibly happy to see that recognized in a more official capacity as we work toward a shared goal of balancing responsible growth and preservation of the health and safety of our community.
As our mission statement reads, “We the members of the Galloway Village Neighborhood Association, sharing a love for the area we call ‘home,’ will work to preserve the area’s natural qualities and protect the overall character, history, and quality of life in our neighborhood.”
Our action committees to accomplish these goals include History, Greenspace, Vision and Development and Communication. We welcome all members of the neighborhood. Our next meeting will be held Jan. 15, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at Galloway Baptist Church on Republic Road. We will begin taking nominations for the next board at that meeting. We will also begin accepting association dues at that meeting. Come join us and together, we will build a future for Galloway Village that we can all be proud of.