This June marked the 10th anniversary of the Grant Beach Neighborhood’s summer baseball program!
The Grant Beach Neighborhood Association has some pretty awesome people who dedicated weeks during the spring, summer and fall to bring youth sports to Grant Beach these last 10 years. If you have photos of your child participating in any Grant Beach sports program, we’d love to have a copy. Please send them to Pauletta Dunn or bring them by Hovey House during open hours.
A big THANK YOU to all of the organizers, planners, coaches, referees, umpires, concession stand workers, Springfield-Greene County Park Board personnel, parents and children for making our sports programs so successful. We, at the neighborhood association have very dedicated volunteers who work very, very hard to organize the programs every year. We could not do it without all of the volunteers working together.
All of our youth sports programs are instructional, so the children are actually learning the rules of the games. We keep the registration fee at $10 per child to keep the cost low. If that is a problem for you, talk to us and we will see what we can do. Our goal is to get children outside and interacting with each other, learning a game, learning to follow rules and learning social skills. Plus, it is a great way to find out if your child like soccer or baseball BEFORE you invest a lot of money in it.
ALL of the coaches, staff, concession stand workers, etc. have all passed background checks through the Springfield-Greene County Park Board.
We are always in need of coaches for both soccer and baseball; so if you are interested, please contact Yolanda Taylor at 417-952-5735 or Pauletta Dunn at 417-880-2453.
We will be signing up for fall soccer soon! Fall soccer will run from Sept. 14th to Oct. 19.
Check with our Facebook page for updates for information on sports programs registration dates; how/when to register, etc. Just search Grant Beach Sports in Facebook.
Registration Forms are on the front door of Hovey House, 800 W. Hovey St.