Attend a meeting to learn how you can support the Westside Neighborhood Betterment Association!
The Westside Neighborhood Betterment Association (WNBA) had a great year of projects in 2016 and is looking forward to more neighborhood improvement projects in 2017.
We plan to continue with projects that are the most requested by our neighbors, such as the Neighborhood Clean Up, where neighbors can dispose of unwanted items in the dumpsters provided, and the Neighborhood Night Out where neighbors can get together for an evening of information, fun and food.
We also plan to continue our participation with projects for the Boys & Girls Club, street clean-up, where we pick up trash along the roadway, participation as cheer leaders for the Bass Pro Marathon and entering a float in the Midtown Fourth of July Parade.
The WNBA represents our neighborhood on the Neighborhood Advisory Council that presents neighborhood priorities to the City of Springfield for budget considerations.
The WNBA meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Westport Park Apartments Community Room, 250 N. Hilton. Neighbors who are interested in helping their neighborhood and participating in projects are encouraged to come to a meeting. We are also seeking a neighborhood church or business to participate in a joint project.
Come to a meeting and meet our neighborhood police officer and your neighbors as we plan projects for the year.