What is a Community Health Advocate?
A Community Health Advocate (CHA) is an individual who works with community partners and community members in order to promote wellbeing for those she serves. As a CHA for the Springfield-Greene County Health Department, I deliver personalized assistance to people who are facing barriers to being healthy and happy. I navigate Springfield’s web of social services and community resources, assisting my clients with things such as healthcare referrals, housing and transportation assistance, employment information, childhood referrals, hygiene needs, and so much more!
What made you decide to apply for the role of Community Health Advocate?
I moved to Springfield in 2010 and very quickly fell in love with the Springfield community. The community is active, the people are friendly, and everyone seems to have a desire to help out their neighbors. I’m so thankful that I now get to work with people who are actively improving the community! I love exploring the web of resources in Springfield and helping people find the services they need in order to thrive.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
My favorite part about my job is that I get to spend time talking with and helping people in our community!
How can neighbors request a referral or more information?
You can reach a Community Health Advocate at SpringfieldMo.gov/CHAreferral, by calling 417-864-2477, or e-mailing [email protected].