Schools are the hearts of neighborhoods, and Delaware Elementary is certainly the heart of ours. We know these students are the future of our neighborhood and our community, and DNA wants to support them and, by extension, their families. Therefore, right after our neighborhood association was formed, a partnership was forged to provide a small, regular funding stream and to participate in events at and with the school.
The events that DNA members organize or participate in include the school’s spring Family Fun Night, the autumn Trunk or Treat, a back-to-school ice cream social and a popcorn bar during teacher appreciation days. DNA purchases a new U.S. flag for the school every year and helps cover funding needs as they arise, such as board games for indoor recess and products for food drives. We also provide gift cards to the school nurse in case staff become aware of emergency needs for a student, such as shoes or hygiene products.
Neighborhood association members have been known to adopt families on the school’s Giving Tree during the holidays and pay off school lunch bills. Thinking long term, DNA has invested in certificates of deposit to start a scholarship fund that will eventually support neighborhood graduates going to local higher education institutions.
In turn, the school has provided meeting and event space, and the principal, Mrs. Young, and school staff support our efforts to engage the community and make our neighborhood an even better place to live!