This fall, Mann, Pittman, Watkins and Wilder will open new storm shelter gymnasiums, and construction is underway at Cowden and…
Upcoming Events
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Lena Sample, President
Ben Vickers, Vice President
Cheryl Horton, Treasurer
John Sample, Secretary
Meetings are held 6-7 p.m. at Oak Grove Community Center In February, April, June, August, and October every last Tuesday, unless there’s a holiday and then the meeting will be the Tuesday prior. Watch for meeting announcement reminders on Facebook and Neighborhood signs.