Pedestrian connectivity improvements coming in Brentwood


As one pedestrian safety and connectivity project wraps up, another begins this fall in the Brentwood neighborhood.  

Completed this summer, a long-requested pedestrian connection across Lone Pine Avenue at Greenwood Street is expected to increase safety and connectivity to the Galloway Ozark Greenways trail. The newly installed traffic signal provides a safe crossing for bikes and pedestrians while also protecting turning vehicles. A new sidewalk along the east side of Lone Pine Avenue from Greenwood Street to Covington Street connects pedestrians and bicycles to the Greenway Trail via a new 10-foot multi-use path along the south side of Covington.

“While conducting on-site observations for the project, we often heard screeching tires as vehicles attempted to pull out from Covington or Greenwood onto Lone Pine,” explains project manager Joe Hamp. “The new traffic light at Greenwood will create a stopping point on Lone Pine and provide safe opportunities for both traffic and pedestrians to maneuver.”

An advance warning light was also installed to the south of the project to help alert motorists when there is a red light ahead. 

Set to begin in September, a major sidewalk connection will soon be under construction along Luster Avenue between Seminole Street and Sunset Street. The connection will result in a continuous sidewalk corridor from Seminole Street to Battlefield Road and improved access to Field Elementary School. A bid from contractor Liming Concrete was approved in March.

“We ran into a few scheduling issues at first, but we are ready to begin construction around Sept. 13,” says Hamp. “We expect to start near Seminole Street and work our way south.”

The sidewalk will begin on the east side of Luster Avenue, continuing down to Berkley Street where it will cross to the west side of the road and continue from Berkley to Sunset Street.

“We designed the crossing from east to west in an effort to construct the sidewalk within existing right-of-way, avoid grading issues and preserve trees,” says Hamp. “The new crosswalk will be signed so drivers are aware to watch for pedestrians.”

The project is estimated to cost approximately $100,000 and will be funded through the Transportation Alternatives Program through MoDOT with a 20% match from the City’s 1/8-cent Transportation Sales Tax.

Motorists can expect periodic flaggers present when construction calls for a short-term lane closure. Project completion is anticipated in December.  


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