Two sidewalk and trail projects aimed at improving pedestrian activity in the Brentwood neighborhood will begin construction this year.
Set to begin in April, a long-requested pedestrian connection across Lone Pine Avenue is anticipated to increase safety and connectivity to the popular Galloway Greenway Trail.
The Galloway Trail Connection Project will involve the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Lone Pine Avenue and Greenwood Street. The new signal will provide a safe crossing for bikes and pedestrians while also protecting turning vehicles.
A new sidewalk will be constructed along the east side of Lone Pine Avenue from Greenwood Street to Covington Street, connecting it to the Greenway Trail via a new 10-foot multi-use path along the south side of Covington.
The City has contracted with D&E Plumbing & Heating, LLC to complete construction.
“D&E is not just a plumbing business,” explains Public Works Project Manager Joe Hamp. “This company is a heavy, highway-scale construction company who has been involved in many large construction projects with the City and other local agencies.”
Some short-term traffic impacts are expected at various times throughout the anticipated 90-day construction timeline. The public will be notified of specific impacts with as much notice as possible.
The cost of the trail connection project is anticipated to be $163,051 and will be funded primarily through a federal Surface Transportation Block Grant through Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), with a 20% match funded through the City’s 1/8-cent Transportation Sales Tax.
Also on the horizon is a major sidewalk connection project along Luster Avenue between Seminole Street and Sunset Street. The connection will result in a continuous sidewalk corridor from Seminole Street to Battlefield Road and improved access to Field Elementary School.
The sidewalk will begin on the east side of Luster Avenue, continuing down to Berkley Street where it will cross to the west side of the road and continue from Berkley to Sunset.
“We designed the crossing from east to west in an effort to construct the sidewalk within existing right-of-way, avoid grading issues and preserve trees,” says Hamp. “The new crosswalk will be signed so drivers are aware to watch for pedestrians.”
Periodic traffic impacts can be expected when construction begins, including single lane closures as materials and equipment are delivered to the construction area.
“The contract for construction is currently under MoDOT review,” added Hamp. “We are hopeful construction will move forward in late spring or early summer.”
The project is estimated to cost approximately $100,000 and will be funded through the Transportation Alternatives Program through MoDOT with a 20% match from the City’s 1/8-cent Transportation Sales Tax.
For questions regarding sidewalk and trail improvements, please email [email protected].