Positive changes to City’s Great Neighborhoods program coming in 2025


In 2013, Springfield City Council adopted the Great Neighborhoods philosophy. The philosophy used four principles to define great neighborhood organizations as being resident-led, committed long-term, inclusive of all and involved in engaging activities.

Out of this philosophy, the Great Neighborhoods Recognition Program was formed. For many dedicated years, the recognition program has awarded funds to registered neighborhood organizations that accomplish the four principles through Clean, Safe and Friendly initiatives. Keeping the Great Neighborhoods philosophy in mind, a few changes to the program will become effective in 2025.

  1. The program will no longer be an every-other-year reimbursement, but rather will be an annual grant opportunity for all registered neighborhood organizations. This change was inspired by the number of growing neighborhood organizations that have an interest in hosting neighborhood events or beginning neighborhood projects but may not have the funds to kickstart them.
  2. With the recognition program being a two-year designation, board officer rotations have made it difficult for neighborhoods to track their participation. In hopes of minimizing that issue, every calendar year, registered neighborhood organizations will be eligible to apply for Great Neighborhoods grant dollars. The application period is to be open the first quarter of each year with the goal of encouraging neighborhoods to be thinking about the year ahead.

For more information about the program visit springfieldmo.gov/greatneighborhoods.

If you have ideas for projects or events that you’d like to see your neighborhood pursue, get involved with your neighborhood association today!


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