Springfield named 25th in the country by Gallup in community ranking for exercise


The Gallup organization has ranked Springfield 25th on its list of Communities with the Highest Rates of Regular Exercise.

The report examines exercise in Americans across the U.S. and ranks the cities based on response and percentage of those who have exercised for 30 minutes or more a day, three or more days a week.

“Innovative communities around the country are beginning to take an environmental approach to ensure their residents have safe and easy places to exercise,” the Gallup report noted. “These communities are creating vibrant, livable, walkable, and bikeable public spaces and are investing in infrastructure that provides safe places to exercise and move naturally.”

These rates vary by community but the top exercise communities show more 65 percent of their population exercises daily. Springfield reported 57.7 percent of the population exercised 30 minutes or more, three times a week.

“The Ozarks is truly a beautiful place to live with lots of opportunity to be active outside,“ said Director of Health Clay Goddard.

The Springfield-Greene County Park Board, accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies, offers many opportunities for residents to enjoy physical activity both indoors and out. The Park Board has 103 different sites including; neighborhood playgrounds, four golf courses, sports complexes, family centers, botanical gardens, two aquatic centers, six outdoor swimming pools, a farm park, multiple school-park sites and a zoo.

Ozark Greenways also plays a significant role in Springfield’s vitality. Ozark Greenways has built 72 miles of greenway trails in Greene and Polk counties for both recreation and transportation purposes. Ozark Greenways also partnered with the City of Springfield to designate 81 miles of on-street bike routes, including The Link, a seven-mile bike and pedestrian corridor spanning the city from north to south.

The Health Department, along with the Healthy Living Alliance advisory council, have made active living and healthy eating a key part of the Springfield Community Health Improvement Plan. More information on the improvement plan and activities surrounding those efforts can be found at OzarksHealthCommission.org.

For more information about the survey:

For more information about outdoor exercise opportunities:


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