Tom Watkins Neighborhood Association continued to gain new neighbors and members through 2024. We had a fun time at our…
Upcoming Events
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Colby Wallace, President: 316-832-8253
Denver Tindell, Vice President
Kayla Chatman, Secretary
Maria Tindell, Treasurer
Meetings are held quarterly in February, May, August and November on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Tom Watkins Community Center.