Tour historic Phelps Grove homes at Art in the Garden June 1


Residents of Phelps Grove will be busy this spring, restoring garden beds at Phelps Grove Park and getting ready for an Art in the Garden tour 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, June 1.

The Phelps neighborhood is defined by tree-shaded streets lined with Craftsman style, bungalow and four-square homes whose residents tend to beautiful gardens.

During the Art in the Garden tour, local artists display and sell their work in numerous front- or back-yards gardens or even on front porches, and visitors are invited to tour the gardens and enjoy the art and live music, which will be performed in some of the gardens.

Tickets of $15 each can be purchased at the corner of Kings and Bennet. Maps of garden locations and descriptions of art being displayed will be given to those who buy tickets.

Since the tour will be on Sunday afternoon, people participating in the tour can visit the gardens in any order they wish and park their cars in any part of the neighborhood.

We especially hope that all participants in the tour will stop at the location closest to the place where we will sell tickets: the gardens on the east side of Phelps Grove Park.

In February of 2024, Phelps Neighborhood Association members began work at their neighborhood park, clearing 80-year-old garden beds of weeds, tree sprouts and Bermuda grass. By fall, seven beds had been cleared and planted with flowers providing beauty for people and support for bees, birds and butterflies.

In January, those volunteers started work on the four south beds, which, before a disease killed the plants, had been filled with beautiful blooming roses.

Though restoring these gardens is a process that will not be completed by June 1, flowers planted last year should be blooming in the north beds, and newly planted perennials should be growing in the south beds.

Wander through the gardens and celebrate with us the rebirth of gardens in one of the loveliest parks in the city.

five Phelps Grove neighbors standing outside in front of flower bed
Andy Massoth, Vicky Trippe, Fran Giglio, Ester Bultas, Connie Ryan and others continue to donate their time to renovate the gardens on the east side of Phelps Grove Park.
During the 2023 Art in the Garden tour in Phelps Grove, Jane Sellars looks at scarves created by fabric artist Janice Queen.
Since the first Art in the Garden tour in Phelps Grove, Fran Giglio (right), who has donated and cared for over 200 newly planted trees in Phelps Grove Park and who has been an active volunteer in the renovation of the gardens there, has hosted artists in her gardens during the Phelps Grove Art in the Garden tours. Her gardens will again be a destination at this year’s Art in the Garden tour.
Lorna Trigg Hirsch, an artist in many different genres, will again show her creations in Vicky Trippe’s gardens during the 2025 Phelps Grove Art in the Garden tour June 1
milkweed blossoms with monarch butterfly in flight
Swamp milkweed growing in a garden bed at Phelps Grove Park was a host plant for Monarch butterflies to lay their eggs.

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