When the attendance boundary for Sunshine Elementary shifted in February 2020, it opened broader opportunities for the University Heights Neighborhood Association to support students.
With some UHNA students attending Sunshine and others attending Delaware Elementary, the neighborhood association looks forward to building new relationships.
UHNA’s first opportunity to show support manifested in the form of a shoe drive.
Delaware Elementary started a Cents of Pride store for the 2020-21 school year. Cents of Pride is a unique program dedicated to fulfilling student needs through a reward system that reinforces positive choices and empowers students. You can learn more at centsofpride.org/
Students can shop for items with Leader Bucks they earn through attendance and participation. Shoes are one of the most popular items in the store. Because this is Cents of Pride’s first year with the store, the shoe inventory needed to be built up. Neighbors from the University Heights and Delaware neighborhood associations and Westminster Presbyterian Church contributed to the drive to get shoes to the two schools.
Our generous neighbors really turned out to help support our local elementary schools. Monetary donations added up to $350 and neighbors dropped off 21 pairs of new shoes.
In all, 43 pairs of shoes were divided between the two schools and delivered shortly before the Christmas 2020 break.
Both schools were thankful for the donations and support from the surrounding neighborhood associations and Westminster Presbyterian Church.