Two City Charter amendments will come before Springfield voters on the April 2 ballot.
Amendment 1: Changing Mayor’s Term from Two Years to Four Years
If approved, the change will take effect for the first general election of 2025.
Ballot Language
Shall Sections 2.1(1) and 2.6 of the Springfield City Charter be amended to provide for a four-year term for the mayor instead of a two-year term, with the four-year term to first apply at the general municipal election to be held in 2025, and with the maximum consecutive years a mayor may serve to remain limited to eight years?
Amendment 2: Code of Ethics for Elected Officials, Appointed Officers, Board Members and Employees of the City
Recommended revisions include enacting a code of ethics policy applicable to all elected officials, appointed officers, board members, and employees of the City, adding an obligation for City Council to maintain and review the code of ethics policy at least every other year, revising language contained within Section 19.16 to address employee violation of Section 19.16 of the City Charter with disciplinary action up to and including termination, and adding a legal defense to forfeiture of office or termination of employment, if a prior, written advisory opinion from the City attorney was obtained and relied upon in good faith.
Ballot Language
Shall Section 19.16 of the Springfield City Charter be amended to require enactment of a code of ethics, to be reviewed by Council not less than every other year, revise provisions to address employee violations with disciplinary action up to and including termination, and add a legal defense to forfeiture of office or termination of employment if a prior, written advisory opinion from the City Attorney was obtained and relied upon in good faith?
An informational page is located at