The City of Springfield was notified by the U.S. Department of Transportation June 26 that it was selected to receive…
Upcoming Events
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Delivering books, movies and CDs to your neighborhood. Service is limited to Holds Pickup and Returns.
Duane Keys, President: email or 417-234-1677
Rusty Worley, Treasurer: email
Kathleen Cowens, Secretary: email
Meetings are the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Resurrection Church.
Download the 2024 Neighborhood Health Indicators Report